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Essay/Term paper: Eczema

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Eczema is a category of skin disease that is characterized by
inflammation, itching, dry scaly skin, and in severe cases, small fluid filled
blisters and insomnia. It is the most common skin disease in children today.
Mild cases of Eczema are a little worse than a tendency toward dry, itching skin.
Severe cases can effect the whole body, can be intensely itchy, uncomfortable,
and even have an effect on the person in a psychological manner due to self-
consciousness. Eczema sufferers have acute flare-ups or relapses of their
chronic disease that can be annoying, itchy, and very uncomfortable.


Eczema is not a contagious skin disease, but it does effect around 1 in
10 people. Its causes aren"t fully understood yet, but eczema seems to occur in
people with family or personal history of allergic asthma, rhinitis,
conjunctivitis, food allergies, icthyosis vulgaris, and keratosis pilaris.
Eczema has always seemed to be a genetic skin disease, but until recently the
researchers have been unable to identify a specific gene involved in the passing
on of eczema. Now, doctors believe they have found a gene that causes eczema,
but since it is not present in all cases of eczema, they believe that there is
more than one gene that can cause eczema. Also, a maternal pattern of
inheritance has been discovered. Doctors and researchers believe that this
maternal inheritance pattern is due to modification in the immune responses in
utero, or via breast milk.


There is no way to absolutely "cure" eczema although, many treatments
have been found to be effective. Now, with the wonderful discovery of one of
the genes that may cause eczema, who knows what will happen. They are working
on ways to permanently rid people of eczema all the time, but knowing exactly
where the "instructions" on how to create the disease are located make finding a
cure more likely.


There are many things that can trigger or worsen cases of eczema. The
number one cause of eczema flare-ups is emotional stress. Anger, frustration,
anxiety, family hostility, rejection, and guilt can complicate the problem of
eczema. Irritants such as soaps, solvents, and laundry detergent can provoke it
also. The only way to keep irritants from triggering eczema is to avoid them by
using substitutes like a non-soap cleaning agent. Allergens in food and the air
can also cause eczema to flare-up. Dietary management and air purifiers can
help keep allergens under control. Infections of both a viral and bacterial
nature can cause eczema to relapse. When the immune system is weak from illness,
eczema sufferers are more prone to break outs of greater seriousness and


There are many forms of eczema. Some forms are not specific and cannot
be clearly categorized although, most cases fit into one of the following

1. Atopic Eczema is the most persistent kind of eczema, and is often the
hardest kind to treat. It is also the most common form of eczema, and it
usually develops in the first year of a baby"s life. The most frequent sites
for atopic eczema, or atopic dermatitis as it is sometimes referred to, are the
elbows, the knees, the neck, and around the eyes. Atopic Eczema usually
disappears as a child grows older, but sometimes it does persist through

2. Numular Eczema is characterized by its round patches of discolored dry
skin. These patches can occur anywhere and are occasionally hard to treat,
requiring intralesional corticoids.

3. Asteatotic Eczema is the result of extremely dry skin. This form of
eczema occurs most frequently on the arms and legs.

4. Eyelid eczema is a form of eczema that occurs on the eyelids often
causing the eyelids to swell, and in extreme cases become swollen shut. Eyelid
eczema can be made worse by use of eye cosmetics, facial cosmetics, and harsh

5, Contact Eczema is divided into two separate types, allergic and irritant.
Allergic contact eczema is caused by direct contact with a substance that causes
an allergic reaction. The trigger substances can be everyday items such as
rubber, glue, and nickel found in some costume jewelry. Irritant contact eczema
is caused by things that irritate the skin such as detergents and disinfectants.
Contact eczema is also called contact dermatitis.

6. Seborrhoeic Eczema effects the scalp and eyebrows and may spread to
other parts of the body where there is hair. Seborrhoeic eczema often effects
babies and is nicknamed cradle cap.


The main treatments offered to an eczema patient are emollients and
topical steroids. Another possible treatment are antihistamines and antibiotics
taken orally, but they are a rare last resort.
Emollients are mixtures of oils, fats, and water that help to restore
both the moisture and oil content to the skin. They are available in the forms
of cream, ointment, lotions, and medicinal bath oils, and are sold by
prescription. Emollients need to be used several times a day, even when the skin
is apparently free of eczema.
Topical steroids are carefully designed anti-inflammatory medicines that
are used to bring eczema under control quickly. They soothe inflammation and
itching, reduce the risk of infection, and help the skin heal. Topical steroids
are available in ointments, creams, and lotions, and are only available through


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